With jake and alex still gone, i met up with Reed Koeneke, Leif Anderson, Alex Hotze, and Blake Dimeff to have some sick sessions, thanks so much blake for shooting vid and pics. Here is the video i edited after our sick sessions. We arrived in the late afternoon, paddled untill almost dark, got some food, built a bonfire and car camped in the Montrose hills. Photos taken by fred.
the Ye-Old m-wave tradition as Reed would say, shooting guns when we arent paddling
With Jake and Alex gone, i was jonsen hard for some good paddling so i drove to m-wave where i met Leif Anderson, and we sessed it for a couple days, luckily it had greened out since last time i had been there, but still the scaryest play feature ever, the speed combined with the shallow trough makes it quite intimidating. EPIC