The Clear Cuts across from the wave.
Skookumchuck rapids brings about 30,000 tourists to Egmont each year. Egmont, originally a logging, fishing, and mining town now gets most income from tourists who visit the rapids. The logging you see across the inlet from the wave, although does not directly affect the wave, is affecting tourism in the area, none of the tourists we talked to liked it at all. Egmont, thriving on this tourist-based economy could lose income, and its way of life if future logging affects tourism enough. As kayakers, i think we should all feel some attachment to the environments in which we go kayaking, and at least try to preserve their wild aspects.
Oh yeah, we paddled too!! SKOOK IS AMAZING!!
Me Goin Left On the mighty Skook, mmmmm
The wave is by far the best wave i have ever surfed. It changes from being a wide foamy wave to a periodically changing green/foamy tall, steep wave. The perfect mix to go huge, and stick your moves. If you have never been to skook, and you are completely addicted to kayaking as we are, i would say it is one of those places you must go before your boatin days are over. The whole skook experience is super fun, you get to experience a beautiful rain forest, a rediculously amazing wave, and the natural beauty that is British Columbia, Canada is pretty cool, Eh!
Krazy Karl Moser goin HUGE, this guy throws down.
Skookumchuck is in one of the most amazingly beautiful places i have ever been. British Columbia is a crazy place, where huge peaks go straight into the ocean, seals play in the inlets with you, and starfish cling onto the rocks right near the wave. It is pretty wild compared to most countries, with some islands and peninsulas that dont even have cars on them. It is a bummer logging is such a big industry up there, because the forests there are amazing, although i suppose the US, and most of the world has to get wood from somewhere. I just hope it all isnt clear cut in the future because it is truly a beautiful place.
I froze that day, but at least it was sunny!
SKOOK, mmmmmmm
The marine life in BC is super cool, some sunfish here (at first we thought they were octopus, i guess i dont know much about the ocean)
Julie "Huckfest " Singer Slaying the mighty skook.
Me with a lofty right blunt.
Karl going Clean
mmm lovin the skook
Local paddler Drew, this guy throws down with the best of them, he is crazy good. A huge Pistol Flip with a 900 degree paddle spin.
Karl yet again showing his crazy good pan-aming skills.
Drew with a sweet clean, vertical thingy.
Julie "huckfest" Singer reppin the starfish, its the new style.
YET again, reppin the starfish, its what all the cool kids do!
That crazy Moser guy doing it again.
Of course the Bro-Bra Surf, me and the moser.
Pretty sunset behind the Wave.
All pics By Becker Anderson, and Julie singer
Here is the kayakin vid, keep posted for the one about logging.
-The General
Hey, Fred. I was thinking about you a few days ago when I came across some pics I took of you and Julie in the chuck. I was wondering how your logging film project went and planned to email you. Stumbled on your blog which was a nice surprise especially when you mentioned me. Hope to send you a pic or two when I get them prepped. Take care and hi to Julie.
Anita... in Egmont
PS. We haven't take to wearing purple starfish, yet. But, we'll be digging out the gumboots soon.
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