Sunday, August 19, 2007

M-Wave trip #2 cont.

leif with a huge launch

cool picture of me wavewheelin


fun airs

All pictures of me were taken by leif and all pictures of leif we taken by me.

Crystal Gorge

Jake, Alex and i looked at the crystal guage and it read 329. We took of and ran the upper gorge, with never running it before, we scouted everything, and had an awesome day, we did not run the inner because we did not know any lines, an did not have a guide, but we are stoked to run it once it comes up with a little rain.

me on the second drop

alex on the second drop

me on the first part of pine tree

jake on the second drop of pine tree

Lake Creek

With such low water in colorado, the only gnar creeking we could find was lake creek, so we drove over indepence pass, and hit up paralyzer, brains, kiss me and cauldron, check it out!

leif paralyzer

jake paralyzer

me brains

leif cauldron

me paralyzer
So in the midst of summer, leif and i had a nice little salida session with such low water in the roaring fork valley.

me loop

leif loop

leif and i with the double loop

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Green Truss Of the White Salmon

While i was at ski camp, we had a break from skiing so i called up my teachers from world class kayak academy, and headed to the green truss with dave zinn, LJ groth and some others.

me on Big Brother

Dave zinn on big brother

M-Wave Session

Just before i went to ski camp in oregon for two weeks we decided to hit up the m-wave, although it had a pile, it allowed for good tricks(you could stick them) and sizeable beatdowns.

me with a blunt

jake with a blunt

Michael(lp) palmer witht the pan-am

getting out of the eddy

North Fork of the crystal

After our first south fork expedition we decided that the south and north forks could be hucked in one day. We woke up early, hit the top four of the north fork, and then headed to the punchbowl falls. It was a good time, only two flat tires, and a friendly redneck to fix one. A good day.

me on the first drop

jake second drop

me second drop

jake fourth drop

our boats didnt exactly stay on