Canyon creek of the Nooksack is a small tributary that comes in just below the canyon section of the north fork. It comes from high mountain valley that reaches almost clear to the Canadian border. Although all the runs on the Nooksack nearby are almost all bedrock style, Canyon Creek is much more manky. After a short bushwhack down a steep hill, you will come to the creek, which at this point consists of landslide boulders, creating terribly manky drops. We spent the first little while portaging. After running a few manky rapids we finally came upon some bedrock. The creek got better and better after that besides the loss of my GoPro HD to the river gods. Jamie Klein on a semi-clean manky drop. Me coming through the first drop of that good ol' stuff we love-bedrock. Chris Tretwold airing it out on a sweet boof.
Here is a little video I put together from the day.