Monday, May 17, 2010

5Point Film Festival

A few weekends ago, I left Bellingham, WA to go home for the weekend. The 5point filmfestival was happening in Carbondale,CO my home town. It was a great weekend with lots of great films. My Metlako falls short played, along with some other very good paddling films. Tyler Bradt came and played Dream Result, which is a great film and has some epic kayaking indeed. My favorite film of the whole festival though was Anson Fogel's film Wildwater. Anson uses state of the art technology to create the best kayaking footage I have ever seen.I flew into denver and of course right when I hit the mountains the snow started.

A snowy spring drive in CO.

Rolling into town getting a good view of Mt. Sopris, damn it was good to be home.

I spent some quality time on my trampoline making brown flips and such.5point filmfest.
A full house at the festival, and a quick screening of my metlako falls video on their super sick blu-ray projector.
Brie, Julie and Beda 5Point filmfest girls who organized the whole event. Thanks a bunch!

Introducing my film, Metlako falls.

This is a slightly shorter version of my film in a bit downgraded quality.

Metlako Falls from Fred Norquist on Vimeo.

Here is a teaser of Anson's incredible work. This guy inspires me to make films, best footage out there.

WildWater Trailer - New Version from Anson Fogel on Vimeo.

And of course, Rush and Tyler's Film Dream Result was super good as usual.

Overall the weekend was awesome, make sure to check out and come to next year's festival!

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